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Best C++ Classes in Pune

Best C++  Classes  in Pune

Duration: 160+ Hours

C++ is a general purpose programming language and widely used now a days for competitive programming. It has imperative, object-oriented and generic programming features. C++ runs on lots of platform like Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac etc.



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About The Course

About of C++ Programming Language


Best C++ Classes in Pune

  • (1) What is C++,C vs C++
    (2) Features of C++ and its Basic Structure
    (3) Installation of C++
    (4) Simple C++ program structure
    (5) Keywords in C++
    (6) hello World program using C++
    (7) Comments in C++

(1) Arithmetic Operators
(2) Relational and Logical Operators
(3) The Conditional Operator
(4) The Increment and Decrement Operators
(5) The Precedence of Operators

(1) Basic Input/Output
(2) Using iostream functions like cin, cout
(3) Variables & Rules for naming Variables
(4) Basic Data Types- int,char,float,double
(5) Derived & Enumerated data types
(6) User defined Data Types

(1) The if statement
(2) The if-else statement
(3) Nesting of if statements
(4) The conditional expression
(5) The switch statement
(6) The while loop The do…while loop, The for loop
(7) The nesting of for loops
(8) The break statement and continue statement
(9) The goto statement

(1) Function Basics
(2) Function Prototypes
(3) Passing Parameters
(4) Call by Value & Call by Reference
(5) Passing string to function
(6) Functions Recursion
(7) Inline Functions
(8) Friend Functions

(1) Types of Errors
(2) Benefits of exception handling
(3) try, catch, throw keywords
(4) Throwing an exception
(5) ‘try’ block
(6) Catching an exception
(7) (1) Exception objects
(8) Rethrowing an exception
(9) Exception Handling Mechanism
(10) Catching all exceptions
(11) Nested try blocks

(1) File Streams Classes
(2) Opening & Closing a File
(3) Detection End of File
(4) File Pointers & Their Manipulation
(5) Sequential Files
(6) Random Access Files

Best C++ Classes in Pune

(1) One Dimensional Arrays
(2) Multidimensional Arrays
(3) Passing array to function
(4) Strings Introduction
(5) String Built-in functions

(1) Basics of Pointers
(2) Pointers and Arrays
(3) Void pointers
(4) Memory Management in C++
(5) Malloc() vs new() in C++
(6) Free() vs delete() in C++

(1) Basics of Structures
(2) Structures in C++
(3) Unions in C++

(1) Defining a Class
(2) Creating Objects
(3) Access specifiers
(4) Accessing Class Members
(5) Scope Resolution Operator ( :: )
(6) Defining Member Functions
(7) Member function with argument
(7) This pointer
(8) Passing Objects as Arguments
(9) Returning Objects

(1) Constructors
(2) Properties of constructors
(3) Types of constructors
      1. Default Constructors
      2. Parameterized Constructors
      3. Constructor Overloading
(4) Constructors with Default Arguments
(5) Destructors
(6) Differences between Member functions & Constructors
(7) Differences between Constructors & Destructors
(8) Static Data Members
(9) Static Member functions
(10) Constant Data members
(11) Constant Member Functions

(1) Class hierarchies
(2) Base classes
(3) Derived Classes
(4) Types of Inheritance & Programs
      1. Single inheritance
      2. Multiple inheritance
      3. Hierarchical inheritance
      4. Multi-level inheritance
      5. Hybrid inheritance

(1) Static Binding
(2) Dynamic Binding
(3) Virtual Destructor
(4) Function Overriding
(5) Accessing Members using Pointers
(6) Virtual Functions
(7) Pure Virtual Functions


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